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Friday, February 5, 2010

# Ghost in the shell: stand alone complex , S.A.C 2nd gig

Whoa there dude.. that's some really complex sh*t going on....I mean so many conspiracies combining to form a Mother-of-all conspiracy.
The technology in the anime is futuristic and very advanced. A special squad Public Security Section 9 gear up for countering  cyberterrorism  and exposing top level government scams. The anime is pretty good.The only problem i found was that these conspiracies tend to become so much complex that by the time solution was found, you start wondering what the beginning question was !!

The world of GITS is set in a future where life between the digital and physical world has been blurred. With the advent of cyberisation people can exist as flesh and blood, cyborgs or androids. The stand alone complex follows the exploits of Public Security Section 9, a counter-terrorist network and anti-crime unit made up of former military officers and police detectives operating in the Japanese National Public Safety Commission
The series consists of two types of episodes stand alones which are single once off episodes and complex episodes which deal with the main story of the series the Laughing Man case. In 2024, the terrorist incident known as "The Laughing Man Incident" occurred in which Ernest Serano, president of the groundbreaking micromachine company, Sereno Genomics, was kidnapped and ransomed. One day, the case having remained unsolved for six years, Detective Yamaguchi, who has been investigating "The Laughing Man Incident," sends word that he wants to meet with Togusa from Public Safety Section 9. However, soon after sending this message, Yamaguchi, crucial to the success of the case, dies in an accident. Many days pass and in the midst of a police interview relay concerning suspicions behind interceptors, a forewarning is received from "The Laughing Man" of his next crime. The incorporeal hacker begins to move once again.
In the sequel GITS: 2nd gig Cheif Aramaki's crew is back with even more experience and heavy artillery. But this time they're going to be given a run for their money! The Individual Eleven's time has come, and the mysterious personality, Gota, seems all too much in favor of their endeavors. Things get out of hand quickly, and enemies seem to be appearing out from everywhere. Revolution is coming fast, and with it the threat of another nuclear war. Just when they think they've got the answer, a new dimension is added to the playing field, and old hands are scrapped for new. Can this threat be countered? Or will years of nation-states' ignorance toward refugees be their final undoing?


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